Sunday, October 16, 2016

Despite Recession, Business Is Good In Nigeria, Says US Firm

An emerging high-tech mobile phonemanufacturing giant, Akyumen TechnologiesCorporation has given the Nigerian businessenvironment a clean bill of health inspite of
thecurrent economic challenges facing the country.The United States-based company which is atpresent exploring ways to establish base in thecountry, disagreed with the notion that foreignfirms are scared of coming to invest in Nigeriadue to the economic down-turn.Rather, the 32-year old Chief Executive describedthose pulling out or those who are afraid tooperate in the country as not being fair orprobably may have been in the business ofshortchanging Nigerians.Speaking on the company’s plan to introducevarious ranges of telecommunication productsinto the country’s market, the Chief Executive ofthe firm, Aasim Saied said some of the devicescan be used to improve learning and to empowerthe young ones with useful skills.“We want to create jobs in any country that wego and we also want to train personnel in thehighest possible customer service expertise sothat they can be at home with the technology weoffer.”He said the firm will introduce 50 per centsubsidy for students in selected primary andsecondary schools in the country as part of itssocial responsibility to support education whichthey benefited from.He said currently Akyumen Technologies ispartnering 25 universities and colleges all overthe world in the use of its innovative devices foracademic exploits. Akyumen Technologiesstarted up in the state of California, UnitedStates of America.“We are a company with great commitment toour social responsibility. In addition to creationof jobs, we will also want to encourage a lot ofstart-up businesses. One of the things that weintend to do is to install our computers ineducational institutions in the country.”We are in the process of setting up offices inNigeria, either Lagos or Abuja.“In line with our desire to establish base inAfrica, we are going to set up our headquartersin either Lagos or Abuja and arrangements tothat effect is being perfected,” he said.On the issue of local content, he said thecompany is going create a lot of local jobs byallowing more local content in the devices.According to him, although most of thecomponents of the mobile phones and otherdevices are at the moment going to be imported,but that there will a lot of local inputs in area ofcontent creation for the computer applicationsand software development.Speaking on the possibility of partnering varioussectors of the economy, he said there are hugeopportunities to be tapped in collaborating withNollywood film industry. He said Akyumen has alot to offer to the local film industry in the areaof application of latest technology to improve thecontent and knowledge of the professionals inthe industry.Unlike the practice where some foreigncompanies try to turn Nigeria into a dumpingground for their finished goods, the US firmsaidthey are here to stay in the country to do morebusiness and also to empower moreentrepreneurial development.

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